private labels wines

Fun Facts wine world: know the main consumers of wine

It is generally believed that increased consumption of wine in the world is given in countries that are producers of this wine, or that are traditionally countries where wine is part of cultures, such as in Europe. A recent study by Wine Institute provides interesting data on the annual consumption per capita in the world. In the blog we wanted to take this information as part of our mission to deliver important information about wine. To everyone’s surprise ……

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Chilean Premium wines /Bag In Box: formats wine take center stage in different markets.

The format of the traditional bottle of 750 ml and competent. Bag in Box formats, wooden barrels and 1,000 ml bottle of their way in the demanding world of wine, interestingly positioning in the market. In have all these formats in Bag In Box. Visit our website, contact us and place your order. Remember that all our wines are export, and high-end. Chilean Premium Wines. The Bag in Box or BiB is an ideal place for wine for several…

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Chilean export wines open roads: 1,800 million people worldwide took Chilean wine in 2015

Learn more about news of Chilean wine and Chilean wine exports. Visit our web and find important information. In recent years, Chilean wines have taken center stage globally. In fact, today Chile is the 4th largest exporter in bottled wine and the first of the new world countries. With this background, the numbers remain auspicious and that is why Wines of Chile estimated that last year (2015), 1,800 million people in the world consumed a bottle of Chilean wine.…

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News about Chilean wines: bottled Chilean wine exports recorded a decline in first quarter

Learn more about wines and Chilean wines in Wines of Chile reported that bottled wine exports during the period January to March 2016 reached US $ 311 million, which means a decrease of 3% less than in the same period of 2015. While there was a decline in value, United States leads as a destination, both in volume and value. Second he was followed by the UK and third, China.   Wine produced in 2015 vintage The grape harvests…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.