premium wines

Premium wine category boosts exports of Chilean wines

All about wines August was a month with good results for wine producers and exporters in Chile. During the period, exports of bottled wine registered an increase of 9.2% in volume and 12% in value. These figures were driven by exports of wine boxes of between 40 and 50 dollars and boxes of over 60 dollars, which in other words is known as Premium wines. The first increased by 30% and the premium by 17%. With these numbers, the…

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Variations in the production of Chilean wines in 2017

Learn more about chilean wines…. / Below you will learn how the behavior of Chilean wine production in recent months. The information is official and was provided by an agency of the Government of Chile. According to the background, the production of Chilean wines registered a decrease of 6.4% compared to the year 2016. The Agricultural and Livestock Service (SAG), which reports to the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture, presented the National Report for the Production of Wines 2017, which…

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Fall of the exchange rate lowers the prices of Chilean export wines Exchange rate fluctuations in recent weeks have complicated Chile’s iconic ambassador. In the first half of last year, the average dollar value was $ 689.38, while in the same period of 2017 it was $ 660.40, which translated into a 4.2% drop in the dollar. This drop has increased in the first months of the second half, as the US currency is at $ 624.50. In the case of other markets, such as the British and the European, the…

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Chilean wines revolutionizes consumer trends /Premium wines and bulk wines .The new vineyards have survived in a world of industrialized productions, economies of scale and large-scale trade. They are here and they came to stay. They are rescuing and valuing centuries-old traditions and vines, bringing identity, variety and richness to an increasingly homogenized world of wine, where the diversity of origins, styles and accents has been displaced by the desire to seduce the average or the longing To resemble the most successful wines in…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.