oem wines

Vintage 2015: Drought and hot summer improved production results, by Cortahojas.com

More information in cortahojas.com.-/ Better than expected tossed vintage 2015. While there was fear among wine producers in the central region of Chile, due to drought, summer heat and minor frosts in winter, the season was much better than the year above, even in parts production it doubled. The last four years were difficult for the industry in general and by 2014 production was low due to winter frosts. A grands traits, this season was warmer than the previous one…

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A good reason to drink red wine helps slow the development of Alzheimer’s, by Cortahojas.com

Find out about the new wine in cortahojas.com.– / Like green tea, the wine has a compound that could help slow the development of Alzheimer’s. Scientists at the University of Leeds in England, found some chemicals in the wine and green tea have the ability to interrupt the development of this disease. These are antioxidants that act at the level of the brain. In the development of Alzheimer’s, a protein called amyloid, that interact with nerve cells causes these cells…

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In April there was a decline in exports of Chilean wines, by Cortahojas.com

Read more information in cortahojas.com.-/ According to information provided by the Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies of the Ministry of Agriculture, between January and April this year, exports of Chilean wines were down -8.7% by volume (80.7 million liters) and -10.0% in value (US $ 159.9 million).   While in the same period total exports recorded an increase of 3.9% in volume (272.5 million liters) and a low of -3.3% in value (US $ 562.5 million), compared to the…

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Is it true that a good wine never tastes the same? by cortahojas.com bulk wines

Learn more about bulk wines in cortahojas.com .-/ This is a fairly debatable, but it has its arguments in science. The intensity of the light and sound desiveles have something to say on this issue. It turns out that professors at the University of Oxford found that the sound and light have the ability to affect the taste of wine, making it more acidic, bitter and fruity. It’s a whole psychological issue. Thus, taste a red wine in a glass…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328

Email: marketing@cortahojas.com

Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.