oem wines

Chilean export wines: Wine production decreased 21.2%

It was no surprise, but a hard time, due to adverse weather conditions, as the storm that affected much of the country in April affected the volumes of wine. However, analysts are forecasting that inventories would reach this year (2016), but warn that in 2017 the overstock could disappear. Both rain and cold influenced the delay maturity and lower yields, especially red varieties. With this background, the industry generated 1,014 million liters, 21.2% less than what occurred in 2015, the…

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Chile on track to become a world power in premium wine production

Chilean wines exports, cortahojas.com.-/ Chile is currently one of the leading wine producers in the world. It is the fourth largest exporter of major importance. Its domestic market has also evolved favorably with wines reasonably priced and very good quality. There are two relevant markets or supply chains: the production of premium wines (with care, mostly for export) and manufacturing of ordinary wines (with or without guard, to consume within one year of produced for export and domestic consumption). To produce…

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A 22-year rebirth of Carmenere …

Learn more of us in chilean-wines.com or cortahojas.com. /.- In November of this year will mark 22 years since the Renaissance or re-discovery of Chilean Carmenere. It was in 1994, Jean Michel Boursiquot how (French oenologist) made this great find for Chilean wine. While walking among the vineyards of merlot plantation in the Maipo Valley, some of the plants caught his attention. It was at that point where he discovered that the plantation was not merlot, but it was the…

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Learn more about the development of the Chilean wine industry

A new way of producing wine. In recent years, Chilean wine producers have changed the way of doing things. Incorporating sustainability in the production process has been key. This is one of the main innovations of the Chilean industry. For export wines (chilean wines) produced cleanly and thinking about the future is key to position improvement mainly way the Chilean wine industry. For buyers and opinion leaders incorporate sustainability as part of the production it is key to the realization…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328

Email: marketing@cortahojas.com

Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.