chilean wines

The best combinations of wine and seafood for Easter

Bag in box, Private Label wines Easter is coming and the Catholic tradition invites reflection and with it eating fish. Given this culinary scene in CH we have wanted to give some recommendations to avoid mistakes in the type of wine to consume and accompany the dishes. Generally, it is estimated that seafood should always be served with white wine. But sometimes that red is a very good companion. Everything will depend on the type ingredients or sauces with which…

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Ranking of the leading exporters of wine in the world

Bag in box wines /.- In 2014, Spain became the first exporter of wine worldwide measured by volume, registering a growth of 22.3%, according to the Spanish Wine Market Observatory (el Observatorio Español del Mercado del Vino /OEMV). As these sales reached 2,256 million liters, ie 200 more than in Italy million and 800 million liters more than France. As for packaged wines, the figure reached 762 million liters,  3.4% compared to decreases of 0.7% in France and 0.2% in Italy. Spain’s…

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Chilean wine exports grow early 2015

Private Label wines .-/ The first months of the year were good for the Chilean wine industry since experienced a total increase in exports of wines and musts around 9.1% in volume and 6.7% in value, according to Odepa (Agricultural Policy Office). Bottled wines (DO) were those who contributed to achieving these figures in increments of 12.1% in volume and 9.1% in value. The category “other wines packaged” also registered a 15.7% increase in volume and 7.6% in value.…

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The new generations of Chilean wines surprised to Financial Times

Read more news about wines The prestigious British wine critic, Jancis Robinson, was in Chile. And stay he met near Chilean wineries and its productions. The expert described his journey in Financial Times, through its highlights column, where he said his trip was to update their wine knowledge and escape the worst of the British winter. In his text, he highlighted the new generation of Chilean wine producers and compared with those of South Africa, claiming to have similarities are…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.