chilean wines

What wines enjoy this spring

In you can find different kinds of information related to wine and Chilean wine. If you need to buy or import contact us quality Chilean wines. While climate change is affecting us for a while, temperatures begin to slowly tempered and evenings begin to become more pleasant, some days calurosas- and terraces begin to see more people. For wine lovers begins a perfect time to uncork the different wines that are drunk in winter. Now it is time to enjoy…

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Propose drink wine in large gulps, as better taste is obtained

Read more about wines and chilean wines in .-/ The myths about wine are so many that a group of Italian researchers focused on determining how to best enjoy the wine … and it seems that one of the best ways is to taste the wine is with great gulps. According to the study’s findings amount sip wine has its effects on the taste of wine. This occurs because the amount of aromatic chemical compounds, which are volatile compounds…

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Chile will become the 6th largest producer of wine in the world in 2015

Wines and chilean wines in At the end of 2015, the Chilean wine production will grow 23%, according to data provided by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV). What does this mean? … That the Chilean wine production will reach 12.9 million hectoliters, ranking as the 6th sixth largest producer. According to the OIV, in 2015, world wine production will grow 2% compared to last year, reaching a total of 275.7 million hectoliters.   And … who…

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Learn more about wine: The configuration of a vineyard and wine affects the smell?

Learn more about chilean wines export.-/ A group of experts set out to analyze the effects they produce flowers in the aroma of wine. All part of the theory that it is very likely they will have a concrete effect. When we have a glass of wine in hand, the first thing you usually do is aerate the cup nd then feel its aroma and its substance, which invites us to imagine the wine will taste. We do not know,…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.