chilean wines

Chile’s path as a producer of premium wines

Prefers Chilean wines of high quality / premium. Find them on our website When we are one step away from 2020, Chilean wine producers already have a well defined and tested work plan to optimize the management in Chile and abroad and in this way increase the diversification of markets towards non-traditional destinations, all this hand in hand with the export of Premium wines. Likewise, the authorities have been asked to include the wine in the Partial Scope Agreement…

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Giant bottles and Chilean wine will define the trends of the wine world in 2018

Conoce más sobre vinos chilenos Premium. El mundo del vino Chileno se despidió de un 2017 muy complejo con lluvias, frío, granizo, sequías e incendios forestales que no sólo afectaron a las regiones de Chile, sino que otras zonas productoras en otros países productores de vino de importancia como son Estados Unidos (California) y Europa. El 2018 se inicia con muchas promesas y con la exploración de nuevas tendencias. De acuerdo a datos proporcionados por analistas estadounidenses el vino rosado…

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Important achievements of during the year 2017

Prefer Chilean wines and Chilean Premium wines, internationally recognized for their quality ./- The year is ending and it is time for balance sheets. For this reason wants to thank all its customers who have preferred it and who have made this Chilean brand strengthen its position in the international market. At this moment of balances, recalls an important achievement that was obtaining the CarbonNeutral® Office Certification, obtained by the brand’s parent company (Inversiones CortaHojas Ltda). With this…

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Premium Chilean wines make their way in the Latin American market

A new South American country joins the boom for the preference of Chilean wines. We are talking about Paraguay. Currently, about 60% of local wine consumption is dominated by products of Chilean origin. Consumers’ preference lies in those price segments that fluctuate between so-called medium and low. For this reason the Chilean exporters decided to promote the landing of high-end labels to accompany the growth of the gastronomic spectrum that this country experiences In this way different activities are being…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.