chilean wine

Good news for the Chilean wines of Exportation: bottled wines increase 5% in volume and value

The wine producing industry in Chile has remained positive despite the turbulence experienced in some of the main destination markets for Chilean products. Even the sector has gained ground in the period January-September so far in 2017.… Learn more about chilean wines export in According to the data of ODEPA (Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies), of the Ministry of Agriculture, in the first 9 months of the year shipments were made for 349.4 million liters of bottled wine,…

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Premium wine category boosts exports of Chilean wines

All about wines August was a month with good results for wine producers and exporters in Chile. During the period, exports of bottled wine registered an increase of 9.2% in volume and 12% in value. These figures were driven by exports of wine boxes of between 40 and 50 dollars and boxes of over 60 dollars, which in other words is known as Premium wines. The first increased by 30% and the premium by 17%. With these numbers, the…

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Premium Chilean wines make their way in the Latin American market

A new South American country joins the boom for the preference of Chilean wines. We are talking about Paraguay. Currently, about 60% of local wine consumption is dominated by products of Chilean origin. Consumers’ preference lies in those price segments that fluctuate between so-called medium and low. For this reason the Chilean exporters decided to promote the landing of high-end labels to accompany the growth of the gastronomic spectrum that this country experiences In this way different activities are being…

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The Chilean wine industry is empowered, know more at

Every time the wine industry goes through some complex time, because the dollar is low or there was a great freeze, complex situations occur in the different vines, and this year has not been different. In recent months, producing wineries have been affected by the price of the dollar, frost, rain in some sectors or increased drought in others, which has certainly generated losses in production. Bulk wine has also shown signs of declining, due to the fact that other…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.