chilean bulk wines

New tendencies in the purchase of wine: young people prefer quality before Price

The results of a study conducted in Europe have shown that young people prefer quality over price. This is very good news for producers. On the one hand, wine consumption continues to grow and one of the strategic markets is young people, who are increasingly interested in buying quality products. According to the study carried out among young people in Spain, the most interesting factors for young people when buying a wine is quality, with 93% and the wine has…

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Despite recession, exports of wine to Brazil grow: tips by Chilean

As of September this year, shipments of bottled wines reported US $ 96.7 million FOB. Resembling a giant trying to awaken from prolonged lethargy, Brazil is beginning to slowly amend its course. Analysts warn that Latin America’s largest economy has more than 40% of the region’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and will soon start to show better figures. Considering the decline in domestic consumption, Chilean exports to that country have recovered from the initial shock, and this year they have…

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Summer is approaching and high temperatures begin: Wine recommendations by

As we approach the summer and start registering increases in temperature, white and rosé wines are taking a greater role, because they are ideal for cool evenings, meetings outdoors and terraced gardens. ABOUT wines: White wines besides being refreshing with flavors and aromas different red wines, such as can be found aromas of grapefruit, green apples and white peaches with higher acidity and minerality. In the case of rosé simulate red fruit aromas such as grenades and raspberry with hints…

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Chilean export wines: China would be the main destination for Chilean wines in 2017 So far this year, exports of this product to the Asian giant have grown 15.77% in volume and 15.57% in value. We know that China is Chile’s main trading partner in economic matters. And the wine is not without protagonism. In 2015, China became the first destination of Chilean wines, with returns of US $ 163 million only to the wine sector. So far in 2016, China has maintained its position as the first destination of Chilean wines, with…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.