chilean bulk wines

Chilean winemakers are optimistic about the 2019 vintage

Perhaps one of the main problems presented by the sector is the workforce that has become increasingly scarce The next harvest, which corresponds to 2019, is a great challenge for Chilean wine producers. Although the climate has been a determining factor, producers are optimistic and do not see the impact of rains in production. The vineyards are already anticipating that they will have a positive performance in the 2019 harvest and affirm that December is key to preventing the appearance…

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Did you know that consuming red wine and meat can prevent heart attacks?

According to researchers at the Hebrew University in Israel drinking a glass of red wine with a meal with meat reduces the risk factor for heart attacks by preventing the accumulation of oxidized cholesterol in the blood ‘Red’ meat has long had a bad reputation in the world of heart health. However, the scientists proved what the French have practiced for a long time: drinking a glass of red wine with a meal with meat reduces the risk factor for…

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Wine consumption in Bag-in-Box gains popularity in European households

Learn about premium Chilean wines Europe maintains the leadership in terms of new trends. In the case of wine there is a situation that is becoming a trend and is that sales of wine in large formats, mainly Bag in Box, had a very good 2017, with outstanding results. The growth of consumption in bag-in-box in Europe increased by 50% and 24% that of bottles of more than 1 liter. The background information provided by the OEMV shows a…

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The new opportunities that open up for Chilean wines for export

Learn more about Chilean export wines and premium wines on the site at The growth of the Chilean wine market has come hand in hand with the quality they offer and the moderate price, a combination that makes the product very attractive. These results have been possible due to the greater experience of the Chilean exporters but also to an important factor … the Chinese demand for Chilean wines. China has made it possible for its high demand –…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.