chilean bulk wines

Chile: Crecieron exportaciones de vinos en Abril

En abril último se observó un importante incremento de los volúmenes  exportados, tanto de vinos embotellados como de vinos a granel, repercutiendo en una recuperación significativa de las cantidades totales exportadas en el primer cuatrimestre del año en curso. Sin embargo, en el caso de los vinos embotellados, la variación de volúmenes exportados se hizo a expensas de una baja significativa del precio promedio de exportación (-8,7% comparando abril de 2014 con abril de 2013), lo que puede ser indicativo…

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UK’s largest winery officially opens The opening at the estate in Alfriston last Friday was overseen by Liberal Democrat MP and Secretary of State for Business Innovation and Skills, Vince Cable. The energy efficient building, short-listed for a RIBA architectural award earlier this year, was created by Martin Swatton Design. It features a grass roof seeded with South Downs’ grassland, along with a bank of photovoltaic solar panels. “The opening of our winery marks the next stage in achieving our goal of establishing Rathfinny as…

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Four glasses of wine is enough to harm your health, scientists say Unwinding in the pub on a Friday night could be wrecking your health – just four glasses of wine is enough to cause lasting damage, scientist have found. A single alcohol binge causes bacteria to leak from the gut, leading to increased levels of toxins in the blood, according to a study carried out the University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMASS). And the damage could be caused by fewer drinks than you think  – researchers classed a binge as…

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How much red wine should you drink? Ask an Italian… Wine’s ‘miracle ingredient’, resveratrol, has been shown to have no health benefits. But Italians still live longer than us. We visit the Chianti region to ask the locals the secret of their happy, healthy lives The secret of a long and healthy life is somewhere in these hills. Maria Pio Fusi looks out over the olive groves and vines owned by her son in the Chianti region of Tuscany and smiles. “Our doctors tell us to drink a little…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.