chilean bulk wine

Chilean export wine makes its way into the country of sake

This is another good news for Chilean wine. In a country as far away as Japan where sake prevails over other liquors, Chilean wine is making its way and the Japanese choose to accompany their meals with a glass of wine. The fall of alcohol consumption is a reality in the Asian country, where beer and national liquors – sake, shochu and chuhi- lose adherents every year. In this context, a report by the Japanese beverage manufacturer Kirin this year…

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Chilean wines: exports resume the momentum of the hand of the Premium

After September registered weak figures, exports of Chilean wine in October resumed their rhythm. In fact, bottled wine exports reached 5.6 million boxes, with an increase of 1.9% compared to October 2017, keeping the value relatively stable with US $ 157.8 million, -0.8% less than the same month last year. So far this year (in the last 10 months) there has been a 0.7% rise in the value of exports and 12-month behavior also shows a positive value, reaching US…

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Chilean wine is in a very good moment but look closely at the commercial war

When reviewing the moment in which the production and exports of Chilean wine live, it can be seen that, although it maintains a good growth rate, two important phenomena are being watched: commercial war and instability in Brazil, one of the markets most relevant for Chilean wine. The wine industry works to boost consumption in the local market which, up to now, shows excellent results. However, with regard to the international market, Chilean exporters are concerned about the escalation of…

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Chilean winemakers are optimistic about the 2019 vintage

Perhaps one of the main problems presented by the sector is the workforce that has become increasingly scarce The next harvest, which corresponds to 2019, is a great challenge for Chilean wine producers. Although the climate has been a determining factor, producers are optimistic and do not see the impact of rains in production. The vineyards are already anticipating that they will have a positive performance in the 2019 harvest and affirm that December is key to preventing the appearance…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.