chilean bulk wine

Record exports of Chilean sparkling: grew 18% during 2014

See more / chilean bulk wines/oem wines/.- In 2014, Chilean sparkling set a new record: they grew 18.4%, reaching a record $ 17.3 million, according to the annual report of Wines of Chile. The main destinations were Japan, Venezuela and the United Kingdom, which accounted for 60% of total shipments. By 2015, shipments are expected to keep rising. In relation to the volume of exports, the increase was 17.4% to 454,000 boxes, which caused the average price scored an…

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Suitable temperatures for wines in summer

Corta Hojas /Chilean bulk wines/ Bag in Box wines/.- The truth is that wine is drunk as one likes. Despite CH them here are some tips to cool properly wines and can better enjoy during the summer. Let us start with the whites, because the heat of summer is refreshing take a chilled white wine. The recommendation is that both as light sparkling whites should freeze at a temperature of 7th and whites with more body at a temperature of…

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Chilean vintners anticipated increases in sales for 2015

Cortahojas / chilean bulk wines/bag in box/.–  Expect positive news winemakers of Chile 2015. Estimates indicate that sales could grow to 15%, which would be given by the greater volume and increased the dollar. One thing to consider is that in 2014, the dollar appreciated 15% to an average of $ 570 and firms made their calculations on a dollar to $ 500. However, more profits for 2015 are estimated, since the dollar has been a major hike and today…

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Tips for defining the temperature of the wine when serving

Read more: On several occasions we talked about recommendations for cooling wine, especially in summer day. This time we will talk about grades most suitable temperature for the different strains. Before you begin, an important fact is that the best way to get a proper temperature is to put the bottle in a cooler (bucket) with ice. Let’s start with the white wines are those mostly associated with summer. The board of CH Export Wines is a young white…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.