chilean bulk wine

Japan becomes one of the most attractive markets for Chilean wine exports

Bulk wines, Chilean bulk wines … /- In 2015 the market for Chilean wines reached a new milestone. For the first time it became the largest exporter of wine to Japan, increasing by 18.1% of Japanese imports, compared to 2014. The information was given by the Japanese government itself, noting that for the first time Chile became the largest wine exporter to Japan in 2015, surpassing ornot to France, which for decades led the market. Speaking of numbers, the increase of…

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The Chinese market for wines from Chile, Australia and New Zealand leans

Browse more about Chilean wines on our web What has been projecting for the past years is becoming a reality with facts: The Chinese market, mainly driven by the country’s middle class is preferring wines called “New World”, ie countries such as Chile, Australia and New Zealand, who have offered attractive alternatives for Asian consumers. For example, Chilean wine has been known for its consistent quality and affordable price, a situation that has been among the most prominent for…

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Increase consumption of Chilean wine in the world

Learn more about chilean wines in More and more consumers around the world who choose to enjoy the Chilean wine. According to figures from the Chilean wine exporters, some 1,800 million people worldwide each year have experienced the benefits and quality of Chilean wine. Chile is currently the 4th largest exporter of bottled wine and first of the new world. Bottled wine shipments reach 150 countries with a total value of US $ 1,900 million, equivalent to 12% of…

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Chilean wine producers to boost wine tourism

Browse more about Chilean wines on our web  Summer in the southern hemisphere offers many surprises and Chile is part of it. One of the most interesting panoramas offer the vineyards of the south center of the country, that is, those that are located south of the capital Santiago. There are many places that have nothing to envy the French countryside, or Italian landscapes. Chilean wineries have developed a tourism very important in relation to wine, ranging from the…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.