chilean bulk wine

Chilean exports of bottled wine continues to rise

Read more about chilean wines and chilean bulk wines.-/ During 2015, exports of bottled Chilean wine totaled US $ 1,510 million and the Asian market became the protagonist of the destinations. Thus, Chile continues to work to consolidate its image as the 4th largest exporter of wine and the leading exporter of bottled wine called new world. 2015 was a stable for the wine sector, with months of sustained volume growth year in 2015. However, it recorded a slight decrease…

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Chilean wineries offer complementary services to boost wine tourism

READ MORE ABOUT CHILEAN WINES … If you want to visit a Chilean winery in the Midwest, find out the complementary activities offered for insight into the products. In recent years the wine business has grown about 7%. This boom comes from diversification professionalization and improvement of infrastructure. Currently about 90 Chilean wineries offer tours ranging from various walks through the vineyards, tours of the vats, to horseback riding, tours of houses and churches from the colonial period, restaurants,…

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Chilean wine increases its presence in the Argentine market

bulk wines and BIB in During the 2015 Chilean wine exports to Argentina they grew 118%, ie, almost 14 thousand boxes were sent, with an average price of US $ 55 per box and total sales of US $ 751,454 were achieved. While the Argentine market is small for Chilean producers, not least because the Argentines also produce good wines, shipments to Argentina are increasing. Compared to the previous year, 5,549 boxes were exported and the average price per…

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China is positioned as the main destination for Chilean wine exports

News about bulk wines and chilean bulk wines.-/ In recent years we have seen how China has become one of the most important export markets for Chilean wines. The interest of Chinese consumers for access to Chilean wine has increased. The latest figures show that China overtook the United Kingdom and the United States in relation to the export of wines. In relation to the figures, in 2015 exports of Chilean wine with designation of origin totaled US $ 1,429,000.…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.