bulk wines

Precio del pisco sigue al alza y sube 10,8% en primeros 4 meses de 2014

En la industria concuerdan en que el avance responde a mayores costos, derivados del incremento en el valor de la uva pisquera, del alza en el combustible y en la mano de obra. El principal destilado nacional es cada día más costoso. Si en 2013 el valor del pisco subió 13,5%, entre enero y abril de 2014 el incremento ya alcanza el 10,8%, según cifras del INE. Aún más, sólo en el cuarto mes del ejercicio, su precio subió 7,5%,…

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WhatWineWasThat.com Helps Wine Lovers Rediscover that Forgotten Wine

NEW YORK – May 21, 2014 – You loved that wine, but you can’t remember its name. It was a white wine, but was it Sauvignon Blanc or Semillon? There was a horse on the label and it had a natural cork. That’s all that you can remember though, so how are you going to find that wine again? Most people remember visually and much more so than by other senses*. Because of this, many wines are abandoned in our…

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Oregon’s canned-wine kingpin buys historic Amity Vineyards: Wine Notes

Oregonlive.com/.- Forget the winding gravel road, the bucolic scenery and the neat rows of vines; Union Wine Co. is tucked into the back of a Tualatin industrial yard. Visitors must navigate past massive stacks of steel pilings to find any evidence of winemaking. The payoff is the sight of four building-sized cylinders gleaming silver in the sun. They’re stainless-steel wine tanks, on a scale we don’t often see around here. This doesn’t look much like your typical Willamette Valley winery.…

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Constellation Brands hones in on wine consumers with multi-pronged mobile strategy

Mobilemarketer.com/.- Constellation Brands, a leading premium wine company, invests 25 percent of its wine and spirits marketing budget on digital, with a particular focus on mobile given that wine drinkers tend to be heavy users of these devices. A 200 percent increase has been observed in digital engagement, and while in the past, the company leveraged third-party apps such as Hello Vino and Shopkick, more recently it has been focused on tracking mobile ads back to incremental sales. “We have…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328

Email: marketing@cortahojas.com

Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.