bulk wines

China was the main destination for wines in 2016

Learn more about chilean wines in www.cortahojas.com. …..The year 2016 was key for the Chilean wine sector, achieving a turnover of US $ 1,350 million and a 4.8% increase in volume in exported liters, according to data provided by Vinos de Chile. In this context, China became the main market for Chilean wine, surpassing the USA, which led the ranking of exports of Chilean wine in 2015. Also in 2016 new markets for Chilean wines emerged, among Ireland and Holland,…

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Sales figures confirm Chile as the 4th wine exporter in the world

The numbers speak for themselves. Chile is the world’s fourth largest wine exporter and sales reach approximately two billion dollars. Visit CortaHojas.com and learn more about chilean wines. For wine producers, the year 2016 was very positive, as the balance showed favorable figures. Exports totaled 906.7 million liters, resulting in sales of more than US $ 1,845 million. These are divided into 54,000 boxes; 383 million in bulk and 566 thousand in sparkling. The domestic market also showed positive figures,…

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Interesting facts of Chilean wines: The advantages of the Bag In Box format for wine

Format Bag in Box is having a good time. Its expansion has allowed us to project a good future for this format. In Europe, for example, this type of packaging continues to take hold. In Norway, 48% of sales of wine made in supermarkets are sold in BAG in BOX, in Austria they reach 54% and in France it already accounts for 29%. In Spain, on the other hand, it only reaches 3%, which gives an idea of ​​the enormous…

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Tips 2017 from Chilean wines to know more about wines

Below we will explain 10 simple steps and in a short time you will learn several things about wine. How to know if a wine is good? This is a very common doubt and it must be said that one does not need to know much of wine to know that when drinking a good wine, the quality of wine as in any other food, is an evidence in plain view. If when you drink or buy wine, you are…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328

Email: marketing@cortahojas.com

Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.