bulk wines

Chilean wine producers concentrate their export strategy on premium wines

The international strategy of the Chilean wine exporters will concentrate on products over US $ 60 per box. The guild that gathers the Chilean wine exporters is going through a period of transformations and modernizations.. Learn more about chilean wines and premium wines. Visit www.cortahojas.com Annually, the Chilean exporters invest US $ 6.3 million in international promotion, an amount that is valuable, however it is not enough in comparison with the expenditure made by direct competitors of Chile – such…

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Premium and bulk Chilean wines register higher returns since 2007

Learn more about chilean wines in cortahojas.com. / According to the information provided by the Central Bank of Chile, in the period January-October of 2017 bottled wine exports had returns of US $ 1,346 million FOB. In this way, exports recorded the highest amounts in shipments since, at least, 2007. This translated into a 6.1% increase in value compared to the first 10 months of 2016, becoming the largest variation since 2011. The Chilean industry considers that this sector is…

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Good news for the Chilean wines of Exportation: bottled wines increase 5% in volume and value

The wine producing industry in Chile has remained positive despite the turbulence experienced in some of the main destination markets for Chilean products. Even the sector has gained ground in the period January-September so far in 2017.… Learn more about chilean wines export in www.cortahojas.com- According to the data of ODEPA (Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies), of the Ministry of Agriculture, in the first 9 months of the year shipments were made for 349.4 million liters of bottled wine,…

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Chilean bulk wine achieves better value since 2014

Learn more about Chilean bulk wines in www.cortahojas.com.-/ A very good news brings the economic indicators for the wines in bulk. Sales prices of bulk wine have skyrocketed in all home markets due to poor harvests in Europe. On the other hand, the producers have speculated that the fires that occurred in California would generate a positive scenario for the value of this drink. However, the export values of the Chilean bulk would already have reached the ceiling. A report…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328

Email: marketing@cortahojas.com

Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.