bulk wines

El vino y el té verde podrían prevenir el Alzheimer, según un estudio

Los antioxidantes que se encuentran en estas bebidas pueden interrumpir un paso fundamental en el desarrollo de este mal La medicina avanza. Desgraciadamente, hasta el momento no se ha encontrado la cura al Alzheimer. Sin embargo, un grupo de investigadores afirma haber encontrado la clave para prevenir y detener el desarrollo de este mal: los antioxidantes presentes en el té verde y el vino tinto. Según el estudio, realizado por la Universidad de Leeds, en Inglaterra, los químicos naturales presenten…

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No water for ag despite recent California storms

Capitalpress.com/.- SACRAMENTO — Despite more late-season storms in California, state and federal water planners weren’t ready April 9 to start sending water to farms without senior water rights. Agencies maintained zero-water allocations for State Water Project and federal Central Valley Project contractors as they unveiled a comprehensive drought management plan to guide them through the remainder of 2014. Officials said new allocations could still come in the next couple of weeks as they examine improved March runoff and an April…

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Lessons From 40 Years of Winemaking: Hall of Fame winemaker Merry Edwards delivers Walt Klenz lecture at UCD

winesandvines.com/.-  Davis, Calif.—Reflecting upon her “40-year journey” in the wine business, Vintners Hall of Fame inductee Merry Edwards provided practical advice about lifelong learning and following one’s passion—and expressed great satisfaction in the industry’s advances in technology, quality improvement and sustainability—during a lecture Tuesday at the University of California, Davis. Edwards spoke as part of the Walt Klenz Lectureship Series sponsored by Treasury Wine Estates and named in honor of former Beringer Blass CEO Walt Klenz. Started in 2006, the…

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Bordeaux 2013: The Decanter verdict

Decanter.com.-/ Forget about buying Bordeaux 2013 en primeur, says Decanter consultant editor Steven Spurrier, but our experts say there will still be plenty of wines to enjoy in this ‘drinking vintage’ – with Sauternes and dry whites scoring well alongside strong individual performances from the reds. Tasters descended on Bordeaux for en primeur week with some trepidation following a difficult 2013 growing season that wine consultant Stephane Derenoncourt described as a ‘war against nature’. Perhaps it was inevitable that many…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328

Email: marketing@cortahojas.com

Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.