bag in box

The importance of storing wine in wood… chilan premium wines

The origin of barrel aging and how the United Kingdom and France changed the history of wine. The aging of wines is born with the transport of this one. The origin of the aging of the wines coincides with the need to transport it from the production areas to the points of consumption. Next we will make a tour of its history. According to historical data, the first sign is found about 4000 years ago in Mesopotamia where there were…

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Chilean wines export exceeds US $ 1,500 million and China is the main destination

The beginning of 2019 brings good news for producers and exporters of Chilean wine. This is because the exports of bottled wines closed the year 2018 with a commercialization of US $ 1,508 million, figure that realizes that sales were almost even compared to 2017, year in which the industry stood out with a record of US $ 1,520 million in shipments. According to data from the Central Bank of Chile, shipments reached US $ 1,622 million FOB. The above,…

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How the export wine market will change in 2019

The international wine market moves at a giant pace and all wine producers seek different strategies to position their productions. The world of wine is changing at the pace of technological development and commercial contexts. 2018 was marked by commercial wars, the instability of Brexit and the different climatic events that wine by the media. All this brought consequences, good for some and not so much for others. Looking already towards the future, some have already anticipated that what comes…

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Summer in the southern hemisphere: red wines can you drink cold?

The discussion is always raised between those who prefer not to put ice cubes to wine and those who do show predisposed to do so. The tastes regarding wine are diverse and seem to end. One of these is the wine with ice … a tremendous mistake for millions of connoisseurs in the world. However, there are people who choose to see the ice cubes floating in the red and drink it to the health of those who suffer from…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.