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Chilean wine exports recorded a slight drop

You read this information in .-/  So far this year, exports of Chilean wines recorded a slight drop of -0.3% in value (US $ 402.6 million), reaching 10.3%, according to the Bureau of Studies and Policies (ODEPA) the Ministry of Agriculture. Meanwhile, bottled wine exports grew 3.6% in volume and no change in value recorded in the first quarter of the year, totaling 89.4 million liters and US $ 304.2 million. As for the wine in bulk, it registered…

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How to combine wine with white meat, recommendations Corta Hojas Export Wines

Read more On more than one occasion you think of that you have a family lunch or invited friends to your home and ask yourself: what wine put on the table? You may be preparing a roast chicken, pork, tuna point, baked hake, well …! The point is what is the right wine? The idea of ​​this article is to give some recommendations and advice to facilitate the task. But in the end, nobody tastes right. Here are some…

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The most important wine fairs 2015, by Corta Hojas Export Wines

Read more about wines .-/ Did you know that in the world of wine, international fairs are one of the main tools for business producores and wineries. In these places, you can learn about new trends, test strains from different countries and interiozarse new tecnilogías. In fact, one of the most important fairs in the world’s ProWein. It takes place every year in March in the German city of Dusseldorf. The latest version included more than 6000 wineries in…

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Aprendamos de vinos y quesos, consejos de Corta Hojas Export Wines

Aprende más sobre vinos en .-/ En gustos no hay nada escrito. Sin embargo aquí tenemos algunos consejos para hacer un buen maridaje con vinos y quesos, ya que todo dependerá de la cepa que se utilice la hacer la experiencia. Si se trata de quesos blandos y de sabor fuerte lo más conveniente es comerlos con vinos blancos o vino rosado. De esta forma el sabor del vino perdurará. Ahora, si el queso es duro y de sabores…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.