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The premium wines are a good strategy to deal with the fall in prices

Premium wines by We know that 2015 was generally a good year for Chilean wine. Exports had an increase of 8.5%, but prices showed a downward trend, reaching 9.2% accumulated. So all …. It was a good year. On the other hand, the price variability is also something that comes naturally. What happens to the Chilean case is that prices came with a boom in recent years and in 2015 began to register these variabilities, caused by currency effects…

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Wines for autumn in the southern hemisphere.. by

While in the northern hemisphere begins to enjoy a warmer climate, the southern hemisphere prepares for winter. However, the warm weather of autumn days allows us to continue to enjoy fresh tasting. But it is precisely this time, where the chilean wines with more weight begin to take center stage. We invite you to inform you on our website, where further information you can meet all our varieties of premium wine export. With the increase mostly cold days, we begin…

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Know the alternatives offered bulk wine vineyard Corta

One of the best formats for good wine export is through the known system of bulk wine. It is safer, breaking bottles of wine, among other features is avoided. Another precedent is that when exporting wine in glass bottle consider that 40% of the weight corresponds to the glass bottle. This is very import6ante taken into account, as well as the weight and cost of shipping, the bottle leaves a carbon footprint. A wide variety of alternatives ofrecd its…

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Despite the growth of exports in 2015, increases the stock of Chilean wine cellar

Learn more about wines in A recent report by SAG (Agricultural and Livestock Service) of the Ministry of Agriculture of Chile, said the stock volumes Chilean wine cellars at December 31, 2015, had an increase of 16.8%, reaching more than 1238 million liters compared to 2014. The information is contained in the Report of wine stocks developed by the SAG every year. This background contemplate volumes present wine cellars, but excludes wine used for the production of pisco. This…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.