bag in box

A 22-year rebirth of Carmenere …

Learn more of us in or /.- In November of this year will mark 22 years since the Renaissance or re-discovery of Chilean Carmenere. It was in 1994, Jean Michel Boursiquot how (French oenologist) made this great find for Chilean wine. While walking among the vineyards of merlot plantation in the Maipo Valley, some of the plants caught his attention. It was at that point where he discovered that the plantation was not merlot, but it was the…

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June 2016 … a good month for exports of Chilean wine

Chilean wine exports the first half of 2016 totaled US $ 858 million. While this figure represents a decrease of 7.73% in the average price, in regard to the value implied an increase of 1.25%. This translates into almost $ 40 more than the same period last year million. In volume, meanwhile, shipments increased 9.7%. According to information provided by Wines of Chile in the second half of the sector expects to recover falling prices with activities aimed at trade,…

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Bottled wine in Bag-in-Box format allows maintain quality for many days

A growing demand for consumption of wines in Bag-in-Box (BIB) format has been detected in the last 18 months. This type of packaging has several features that have made increase their followers. The packaging Bag in Box involved in the wine market as a solution for exporters, becoming a key tool when making deliveries. The BIB allows greater flexibility for producers, packagers and distributors. Another important aspect to note is that in recent times has increased the tendency to pack…

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Premium Chilean wines produced and exported by

In recent years Chile has been recognized as one of the leading producers of high quality wine “New World”. Bottled Chilean wine exports currently occupy fourth place in the ranking of world exports and first among the countries of the “New World”. has own productions allowing it to develop its own wines, which exports to more than 50 markets on five continents. Through their website you can access information about the various products offered by the company, which has…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.