bag in box wines

“Commercial war” could be an opportunity for Chilean wines for export

After the US president, Donald Trump, initiated the so-called trade war with China, a positive window opened for Chilean wines. This is because Chilean wine producers have detected an opportunity. And is that in this scenario seek to expand their shipments to China, which is already the largest export market for Chilean wines, after the authorities of the Asian giant imposed in April an additional 15% tax on American wines in retaliation for US tariffs on steel and aluminum. The…

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Chilean export premium wines increase preference among consumers in England

The Chilean wine exporters are very optimistic with the results that the wines obtained in the period between January and April of 2018, where exports reached US $ 44.5 million, which means an increase of 26.6%. For a long time, the United Kingdom was one of the main markets for Chilean wine exports. In fact, the Chilean Premium wine has always been highly valued by the English. Although, Chile still has a low production in volume of Premium wines, the…

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Exports of Chilean wine Growing so far in 2018

Exports of bottled Chilean wine had a very good performance during the first four months of this year, compared to the same period in 2017. The increase recorded in volume was 2.13% and 8.01% in value. These numbers were reached due to demand from China, the US and Japan. In April, exports of bottled wine registered an increase of 4.4% in volume and 13.6% in value with respect to the same month of 2017. Meanwhile, if the last 12 months…

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Wine bottled export registers relevant rise

Exports accumulated so far this year are increasing compared to last year and countries such as China, the United States and Japan are the main destinations for Chilean wines for export. In March bottled wine exports had an increase in the average price of 6.3%, together with an increase in the monthly value exported by 1.9%. However, it registered a decrease in export volume of 4.2% compared to March 2017. In the last 12 months there was a positive increase…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.