Chilean Premium Wines

We are producing our grapes to develop our wines, which we export to over 40 countries in 5 continents.

We specialize in developed of customized products, private wine label and packaging solutions. We have on our portfolio; bottled wines, bag in box wines (BIB) and bulk wines.

Good news for Chilean wine exports in June 2015, by Corta

Read more about chilean bulk wines in cortahojas,com.-/ A positive first half showed, this 2015, exports of Chilean bottled wine. During June increased shipments abroad of bottled wine producers: they reached up 16% to 37.2 million liters, which resulted in the amount of US $ 118.9 million, equivalent to 6.3% compared to June 2014. According to data provided by ODEPA (Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies, the Ministry of Agriculture), between January and June 2015, bottled wine shipments were up…

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Some tips appropriate when buying a wine….. chilean bulk wines

Read more about chilean bul wines in With constant offers and promotions these days are in trade and variety of strains and brands, you have to be complicated when taking the decison of what wine to buy. The hard part is making a good choice, but in the next few lines will give you some tips you can take advantage of. The label is a good source of information because it delivers the data to navigate and learn more…

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Brazilians increased preference for the Chilean wine on the Argentine

Read more about chilean bulk wines in According to Observatory Wine Argentine, Chilean wine has positioned itself strongly in the Brazilian market, surpassing the Argentine wine. While Brazilian producers have improved the quality of its wines, local consumers still prefer imported wines, mostly Chileans. According to the Argentine Observatory Wine, Chilean wine exports to Brazil increased by 90% between 2008 and 2014, and increased from 18.6 million liters to 35.4 million liters sent to that country. In contrast, exports…

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If you are passionate about wine, these are the things you should never do, chilean bulk wines

Read more about chilean bulk wines in We always care to deliver advice and suggestions for our fans to learn more about the wines, taste them more accurately and transmit this culture in the best way possible. The wine can be taken in different ways, accompanying countless meals. Our goal is to work so that people can understand and rescue the best flavors when opening a bottle. One of the biggest mistakes is to keep the wine and not…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.