Chilean Premium Wines

We are producing our grapes to develop our wines, which we export to over 40 countries in 5 continents.

We specialize in developed of customized products, private wine label and packaging solutions. We have on our portfolio; bottled wines, bag in box wines (BIB) and bulk wines.

You want to learn a little more wine, look at these tips Corta

Learn more about chilean wines in  In this article we will talk about the three best known wine vats and consumed, and their differences … .. talk of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Malbec. These three strains are very popular. No dry red wine acompañarn well to a wide variety of foods. The Cabernet Sauvignon is recognized as full body, while Merlot and Malbec are generally medium-bodied. What does this mean? …. The whole wine is dense in the mouth…

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A very nice gift …. Always a good bottle of wine, Corta Hojas tips

Read more about chilean wines an bull wines in The wine is noble, wine is art. So, give a bottle of wine is always a good gift. If you need a gift, a bottle of wine is a detail to keep in mind. However, before buying out about the tastes of the person you are going to give the. Here are some facts to consider and make no mistake gift. If the person who will receive the gift is a…

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Red wine help to prolong life, knows more about wine in

Find out about the benefits of red wine in .- / Once again, science provides more information on the benefits of wine. French researchers found that reservatrol improved muscle strength and worms helped prolong life by 60%. This finding indicates that drinking red wine in a responsible way help the human being a long and active life. Resveratrol is a compound found in wine, that helps fight cell damage. It is produced naturally by several plants, especially the roots…

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Cabernet sauvignon a strain that keeps his throne over time, by CortaHojas

Learn more about chilean wines It is one of the most traditional wine varieties and, although other strains have tried to overshadow either because they are fashionable or simply by the appearance of new types of wine, cabernet sauvignon still remaining among the favorite wines. Historically, we know know that the Cabernet Sauvignon is a strain of French origin, specifically the Bordeaux region. It is one of the world’s most recognized strains. It is a very versatile strain and…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.