Chilean Premium Wines

We are producing our grapes to develop our wines, which we export to over 40 countries in 5 continents.

We specialize in developed of customized products, private wine label and packaging solutions. We have on our portfolio; bottled wines, bag in box wines (BIB) and bulk wines.

California Third-Party Sustainability Program The Focus Of Cornell Seminar Cornell University Cooperative Extension Finger Lakes Grape Program is sponsoring a seminar, “Lessons Learned from California’s Original Sustainable Winegrowing Certification Program: The Lodi Rules,” on June 5 from 5-6 p.m. The presentation will be held at Cornell’s New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, NY. Matthew Hoffman, grower program coordinator for the Lodi Winegrape Commission, will discuss the Lodi, CA, grape industry’s experience with their sustainability certification program, The Lodi Rules for Sustainable Winegrowing. This program was the…

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2014 Southern Hemisphere Harvest Report: Argentina and Chile A first look at vintage quality down south, with eyewitness reports from growers and winemakers. Ready to taste the first wines of 2014? While vines are just flowering in Europe and North America, the Southern Hemisphere has picked, crushed and fermented this year’s crop. Vintners in South America’s leading wine nations—Chile and Argentina—did not face an easy growing season. In Chile, a severe spring frost created one of the smallest crops in years, but a good harvest season produced…

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2014 Southern Hemisphere Harvest Report: South Africa A first look at vintage quality down south, with eyewitness reports from growers and winemakers. Ready to taste the first wines of 2014? While vines are just flowering in Europe and North America, the Southern Hemisphere has picked, crushed and fermented this year’s crop. Vintners in South Africa report a wet and wild year. A rainy spring produced a lot of grapes, but a nice dry spell in February allowed whites to ripen. But then the rains came back,…

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Productores de vino y carnes anticipan una mala temporada por efectos climático

El Mercurio/.- Empresarios agrícolas están pesimistas por reformas al régimen de aguas que apuntan a transformar el recurso en un bien de uso público y por nuevo escenario en materia de impuestos. Agro: Cambio a régimen tributario de renta presunta afectaría a más de 40 mil pymes Un ambiente de incertidumbre y pesimismo se respiraba ayer en el principal encuentro nacional del agro “¿Cómo viene la temporada 2014-2015?”, organizado por la Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura (SNA) y Economía y Negocios de…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.