Chilean Premium Wines

We are producing our grapes to develop our wines, which we export to over 40 countries in 5 continents.

We specialize in developed of customized products, private wine label and packaging solutions. We have on our portfolio; bottled wines, bag in box wines (BIB) and bulk wines.

Chilean bulk wines y bag in box wines de Corta Hojas

Más información en / Corta Hojas Export Wines está trabajando en la modernización de sus líneas de exportación, con el objetivo de potenciar su presencia fuera de Chile a través de Bag In Box y Chilean Bulk Wines. Los primeros productos en exportarse con la nueva tecnología fueron sus líneas Vietnam Angeles y Panamá Vinum , una dirigida a Asia y la otra a Centro América. La empresa exporta en la modalidad BIB productos Premium, Gran reserva y Reserva lo…

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Bag in box wines of

Read more: un box wines .-/We had already advanced, and today the same wine industry is confirmed. 2014 and ending balance for Chilean vineyards is very positive. All thanks to the 13.7% increase in the dollar has registered the third quarter of this year. On the rising dollar is estimated that industry-level additional gains of the vineyards this 2014 will be for $ 80 billion. Line bag in box wines is one of the most important in relation to new…

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Alza del dólar y aumento de ventas impulsan utilidades de viñas

Lea más en un box wines .-/Ya lo habíamos adelantado, y hoy la misma industria vitivinícola lo confirma. Termina el 2014 y el balance para las viñas chilenas es muy positivo. Todo gracias al aumento de 13,7% que ha registrado el dólar al tercer trimestre de este año. En este escenario y con un dólar promedio de $561,4-, las ganancias de las viñas abiertas en la bolsa de comercio, a septiembre, llegaron a un 60%, lo que equivale a…

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Argentine market complicates sale of Chilean wines

Read more High inflation affecting Argentina, around 40% annually, is complicating operations Chilean wineries. To this must be added the high interest rates and supply problems that nation. The situation is so complex, that sales of the main Chilean wineries have fallen by up to 36% so far this year. Because this scenario several Chilean companies operating in Argentina are restructuring their operations, leaving aside the sale of cheaper wines and focusing primarily on higher value products. Corta Hojas…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.