Cortahojas Wines

French court clears anti-GM vine protesters More than 50 protestors who destroyed a field of genetically modified grapevines being trialled in Eastern France have had their convictions quashed, to the annoyance of the country’s national research body. A court of appeal in Colmar this week repealed the convictions of the 54 protesters, ruling that the open-air crop trial was illegal because authorities did not properly assess the risk to the local environment. A gang of 62 protesters were initially convicted of having ransacked the government-run…

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Reforma Tributaria: Cámara de Diputados aprueba alza de impuesto a bebidas alcohólicas y tabaco

Finalmente y tras la solicitud de la industria pisquera de rebajar la carga tributaria, el destilado será gravado con una tasa del 18%, más un 0,5% extra por cada grado alcohólico. Por 67 votos a favor, 44 en contra y 2 abstenciones se aprobó en la Cámara de Diputados el artículo segundo de la Reforma Tributaria, que establece un alza de impuestos a bebidas alcohólicas y analcohólicas, el tabaco y los vehículos diesel. En tanto, el artículo segundo bis fue…

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Harsh Winter Sapping State’s Wine Grape Crops Indiana Vineyards are losing as much as 75-percent of their grape yields this year because of last winter’s deep freeze. Winemakers like David Simmons, co-owner of Simmons Winery near Columbus, knew they were going to take a hit, but are just now discovering exactly how much they’ve lost as their grape vines begin to bud. “It’s been a very difficult winter, we’ve had a lot of bud damage on the vines,” Simmons says. The amount of crop damage depends largely…

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North Coast vineyards going strong, but drought raises worry NAPA — North Coast wineries and growers remain optimistic following a second consecutive year of record-setting harvests and strong consumer demand for grape varietals that thrive in the region, particularly pinot noir. “You have to be really screwed up to be a grower in Napa or Sonoma and not be making money,” Joe Ciatti, a mergers and acquisitions consultant with Zepponi & Company of Santa Rosa, said Wednesday at the annual Vineyard Economics Seminar. Wineries continue to plant new…

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Chilean Premium Wines | Private Label Wines

Phone: (+56) (75) 2315 328


Commercial Office: Manuel Montt 357 Piso 8 Oficinas 806 y 807 – Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile   |   Vineyards: Sagrada Familia km 20,5 - Curicó, Región del Maule, Chile.