This is a quiz about wine. Here you can learn interesting things about wine
Wine was the first alcoholic beverage discovered.
The origin of the word comes from the Latin word vinum, which is derived from the Greek word voinos. But the tradition of wine making is far older than Greek culture.
The intentional cultivation of grape vines goes back to the fourth millennium BC in Egypt and Mesopotamia.. But,some theories assert that it began as far back as seven thousand years before Christ.
The earliest discovered wine-making tools and vessels for wine are from Georgia, Armenia and Persia. They are estimated to be up to eight thousand years old.
One of the oldest wines in the world was found in the Crimea in Russia. But the wine in approximately 2200 year old amphorae is no longer consumable because it is in a semi-solid state.
The Romans probably brought wine to the Czech lands in the third century AD because on the conquered territories their armies built up the essential economic and food supply base, of which vineyards were an inherent component.