While you may think of the U.S. as a nation of beer drinkers, we’re drinking increasingly more wine in this country.According to the California-based Wine Institute, in 2012 Americans drank 2.7 gallons of wine per person, which was up from around 1.5 gallons in the 1970s.

The U.S is the largest wine market in the world, consuming 13 percent of all global wine production.

Who in the United States is drinking all the wine then? Business Insider took it upon themselves to find out and charted just how much wine each state is drinking. With data from the Beverage Information Group they’ve determined how much wine per person each state consumed in 2013.

The leading state may surprise you (mostly because it’s not even a state) — and it also may explain why things are working so slowly in Congress. The District of Columbia took home the bacon (or the merlot), consuming a whopping 25.7 liters of wine per person every year. If a standard bottle of wine is about .75 liters, that’s about 34 bottles a year.

New Hampshire came in second, consuming 19.6 liters of wine per person annually, and Vermont came in third, at 17.5. Next came Massachusetts, New Jersey, Nevada (Vegas, anyone?), Connecticut and California.

Residents of West Virginia aren’t drinking much wine, on the other hand. The state came in last place, with annual per person consumption of 2.4 liters. Mississippi, Kansas and Utah don’t really like wine either.

Overall, wine is most popular in the Northeast, on the West coast and in Florida.