The producers and exporters of Chilean wine are very optimistic with the results of the exports of 2018. Although in volume the performance was a little lower than in 2017, in value they managed to increase to almost US $ 29 the box of bottled wine, online with the strategy that the sector has been developing for a few years now.

Among the objectives of the wine industry was to increase the average price, leaving behind the strategy of internationalization that had the Chilean wine, to deliver good quality but betting at lower prices than its competitors.

Increasing the price of Chilean wines outside the country is important, because Chilean wine has a spectacular price-quality ratio in all segments, but it has generally been associated with cheaper wines.
The viticultural guild made official a marginal decrease (0.3%) of its shipments, ending with 55.3 million boxes of bottled wine shipped for a value of US $ 1,598 million.

Chile has positioned itself as the first exporter of new world wines, and that is mainly due to sales of many boxes with a very good price-quality ratio. In 2018 there was an increase in the average price, which is very interesting, and has made that little by little all the vineyards that export are now convinced that the only way to move forward is to get the international opinion leaders and consumers understand the quality of Chilean wine and be willing to pay more for that wine.

Among the objectives of the wineries that export (for example, is that they all have a common strategy so that they can be guided in the same way, in such a way as to improve Chile’s position internationally.

Objectives for 2019, what is the focus?
China has a gigantic potential, it continues to have it, with growth in double-digit value, which is really relevant, followed by the United States, Japan, England and Brazil, which are tremendously important markets.

In terms of strategy, China, Brazil – where there is enough competition – and the United States are the most important markets, followed by England and Canada. For 2019 there are very relevant topics.

2019 is a year that is presented with some markets that are not so clear, but the most important thing is to enhance the country’s image, that resources are allocated to enhance the image of Chile through different activities, including wine tourism, in enhancing that Chile is a sustainable country, in enhancing the quality of our wines, their diversity, which is a country that has different production corners, of different strains in different places; purity, sustainability, are key issues.

In relation to the price, the producers hope that by applying the strategy used in 2018 they will continue to give results and the objective is the most expensive wine segment. The bet is that 2019 will be positive for Premium export wines. Due to its quality and its quality price offer, the sale of Premiums should continue increasing sales.
An increase of 6% to 7% is expected for 2019 (in general), with an emphasis on prices. If in 2018 a 3% increase in prices was generally observed, it is expected to continue and approach 3.5% or 4%.

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