For several years now we know that the export of Chilean wines has been increasing and has become an important source of income for Chilean wineries. This has helped the industry to improve significantly. Which has translated into wines of excellence when it comes to quality.

But how is quality measured? There are several factors that determine quality, color, texture, aroma, density, aging, barrels, climate, water, drought … multiple factors. However there is one quite curious: cork.
For example, in the US market, 97% of consumers associate the quality of a wine with the type of cork. In other words, a good cork is synonymous with a high quality wine. On the other hand, more than 90% of Chinese consumers believe that natural cork is beneficial for wine quality. In Spain something similar happens, the Spaniards also associate cork with high quality wines. Therefore, if your business is in exporting wines, worry about the quality of cork that your bottles will carry.

According to experts in marketing and consumption, wine lovers are willing to pay more for quality. In the US, wines closed with cork reach a higher value of $ 3.87 per bottle compared to artificial closures. In China something similar happens, the price of a wine bottle closed with cork is $ 5.15 more than artificial closures. In the United Kingdom, cork extends the difference in supermarket wines by up to $ 2.

In terms of sales by volume, cork has favored the increase in wine sales. In the American market reflects an increase in sales of 43% of wines with cork before 16% artificial (June 2017).

Those who know bet for wines closed with cork
This constant for closed wines with a cork stopper as synonymous with quality wines also manifests itself in the assessments of international critics: 89% of the wines best valued by Wine Spectator is closed with a cork stopper (December 2016) and the 69% of the winners in the Decanter World Wine Awards use a cork stopper (2018). The trend is also repeated in the rosé wines, 8 of the 9 best rosés in the world have a cork stopper, according to Global Rosé Masters (Drink Business, August 2017).

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If you look for quality wines, from different strains visit us and consult. We sell wines in different formats according to the needs of our customers, for them we have developed bulk wines, bag in box, traditional bottles and other novelties.