High are the expectations of Chilean wine producers for this year. The bets indicate that the vintage of this year will have a production that will grow 30% in 2018. If this figure were to be reached, the period would mark the best harvest since 2015.

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With this projection the sector would recover from two consecutive years of losses due to climatic events such as frost and forest fires. According to figures from the Chilean government last year, the sector reported production of 945 million liters. A figure that is quite far from the result of 1,280 million liters achieved in 2015, the year that holds the last production record.

This year the sector recovered from the drought dragged in the last time. There is a lot more water, which is why this vintage comes well unlike those of the northern hemisphere, considering that the fires in the United States vineyards and the frosts in Europe caused large production losses. The negative scenario in the harvests of these countries will benefit the local industry, due to the expected price increase in the face of a lower supply.

Some Chilean wine producers have warned that it is necessary to be prudent with the growth figures, because there could still be unforeseen climatic events that could affect the harvests, since there are still 60 days to finish the maturation process of some strains.

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