Every time the wine industry goes through some complex time, because the dollar is low or there was a great freeze, complex situations occur in the different vines, and this year has not been different.

In recent months, producing wineries have been affected by the price of the dollar, frost, rain in some sectors or increased drought in others, which has certainly generated losses in production.

Bulk wine has also shown signs of declining, due to the fact that other countries have recorded higher production, which has led to the downward price of this type of product, which in Chile has grown strongly. This type of situation has led the winemakers to start looking for strategic alliances to consolidate stocks or to open new markets thanks to the experience of exporting vineyards.

The dollar
One of the factors that could help a concentration in the industry is the improvement that has evidenced in the last months the sector, mainly thanks to the rise in the exchange rate and the better performance that are experiencing the markets of the United States and Europe.

It is very important that producing vineyards can successfully develop their market development and marketing strategies, both local and export, because if they fail to be successful in this phase of the business, they will have to explore new alternatives, such as alliances for consolidation of sales.

Learn more about chilean wines export.
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