Learn more about wines and chilean Premium wines visit  www.cortahojas.com /Premium wines and bulk wines.-/ A favorable outlook for the growth of Chilean wine exports, and a positive 2018 vintage for winegrowers, anticipates a report from the Odepa (Office of Agricultural Policies and Studies, of the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture). The state body says that shipments of bulk wine will continue to represent a value close to 38% of the total shipments of the country.

ODEPA argues that global wine plantations have reached a stage of stability, after a period of contraction between European producers, which was observed between 2000 and 2010, and the balance between supply and demand. World demand for wines, as well as for the development of international trade that has been brewing.

However, the total production of wine has fluctuated more or less constant between 260 and 300 million hectoliters, a level that has remained balanced with the total consumption of wine, considering within this its industrial use for the manufacture of distillates.

The world wine market is more or less stable between supply and demand, a situation that makes for relatively favorable prospects for the activity, provided that the plantations – and the supply of wine – evolve according to the growth of consumption, Affirms from the organism.

On the other hand, ODEPA argues that a rapid growth of consumption is being appreciated in emerging countries, mainly in Asia, as well as in North America, which would provide an optimistic panorama for the development of productions that go towards those areas. It also helps that increases in consumption are apparently more oriented towards higher priced products, where the premium wines stand out

The positive outlook for Chilean wine exports is based on the privileged conditions for the production of high quality wines and the ability to offer different and highly accepted products in the international market, such as what is being done with some wines Of patrimonial strains, such as carignan, moscatel and country, among others.

Regarding the increase in the volume of wine in bulk exported by Chile, it is estimated that it will continue to grow around 38% of the total volume.

The increase in exports of Chilean wine is also explained by the reduction in costs that may have for many vineyards the alternative of bottling or packaging at destination, as well as the advantage it represents, in terms of decreasing carbon emissions, When transporting a substantially lower volume, considering that in this case the package, normally quite heavy and which adds a significant volume during transport, is excluded from this process

According to the analysis, harvest 2018 will allow reasonably high prices, because the low level of wine production this year will again reflect that there will be a low level of stocks at the end of the year and, therefore, will begin the harvest with a Market very clear.

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