In recent weeks the climate has been wreaking havoc in Europe, mainly on wine production. According to the producers, the wine industry has been impacted by the frost at the end of April this year, as the plants are in full flowering stage. (learn more about chilean premium wines and chilean export wines in
This situation is expected to diminish the quality of the grapes, with a large part of the production being destined in bulk. In this way, the stock would be reduced and, in this scenario, a price increase is projected for the next
The European Union has pointed out that many of its members, mainly from producing countries, are very propecupados by the frosts, whose negative effects will be noticed in the harvest of this year.
The Italian producers calculate damages around 80 million euros, with a loss of 20% of the production. In Spain, 18 thousand damaged hectares are projected; In the Czech Republic a loss of yield of 15% to 20% is estimated, with an area of 17 thousand hectares.
In Austria there have also been some problems with late frosts, which have particularly affected the vineyards of Styria and Burgenland. In Slovenian vines about 60% of Slovenian production would be damaged, and in regions of Croatia has exceeded 80%. Another example is Hungary, where damages are estimated between 30% and 40%.
In Chile, since Odepa, it has been reported due to adverse climatic factors in European regions that are traditionally wine producers, producers have reported production decreases and have alerted markets and producers.