Chilean premium wines.-/ In the last 14 years the consumption of Chilean wine has registered a significant increase and the consumers have focused their preferences to products of greater price. The development of new varieties and the appearance of millennials as important consumers would be driving the greater commercialization of this product. (Chilean premium wines).
According to a study by Euromonitor International, the consumption of wine in Chile registered its highest growth in 14 years in 2016, after exceeding 257 million liters. In this way, Chile consumed 7% more wine than in 2015, a period in which more than 240 million liters were consumed. The largest quantity sold resulted in sales of $ 850,533 million.
15 years ago, most consumers only distinguished between white wine and red wine; 10 years ago they became acquainted with the best known strains of Chile (cabernet sauvignon, merlot and carménère, in the case of red, and late harvest, in the case of white), and only during the last years have become familiar with other strains Less common, such as malbec, syrah, pinot noir and cabernet franc, among others, in reds, sauvignon blanc and chardonnay, in whites.
The Chilean consumer has been learning and knowing different varieties of greater value, which also has translated into a strong increase of 16.71% in sales during the last year.
According to Euromonitor, the most consumed categories of wine in 2016 were red, white and rosé wines, representing almost 93% of the Chilean market.
Wine consumption in Chile reached 14 liters per capita in 2016. Women and young people are preferring wine to other alternatives and along with this they are consuming finer wines.
According to Euromonitor projections, wine consumption by 2021 will continue to increase and consumption would exceed 322 million liters, which would generate sales of more than $ 1,280 million.
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