Chile is ranked 4th as a wine exporter worldwide and during 2016 increased its sales by 3.53% compared to 2015, reaching US $ 1,845 million.

During the year 2016, the Chilean wine industry produced 906.7 million liters, an increase of 0.86% compared to 2015, Wines Of Chile reported to the foreign press.

The good results are explained in part by the communication campaign that was made in 2016 in several countries such as China, the United States and Brazil, which allowed a significant increase in sales.

In this sense, China became the largest buyer of Chilean wine in 2016, with $ US195 million, an increase of 18.5% compared to 2015, making it the country that most exports to the Asian giant, Including France, the world’s largest wine producer with 50% of total production.

The countries that bought Chilean export wine and showed declines were the United States (-8.32%) due to the great competition that US wines mean for Chileans, and England (-9.07%), where after the announcement Of Brexit there was a rise in prices that affected the consumption of these alcohols, explained Valenzuela

In the region, Brazil remains the largest consumer of Chilean wine with 122.5 million dollars in sales, an increase of 8.97%.


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