Learn more about premuim Chilean wines and export of high quality./- Countries such as China, the US and Italy boosted the demand for wine during 2016, achieving an increase of 0.4%, reaching up to 242 million hectoliters.
On the other hand, wine production fell by 3%, reaching 267 million hectoliters. This happened due to climatic conditions.
Wine producing countries
According to the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV), the list of major wine producing countries is led by Italy (50.9 million hectoliters), followed by France (43.5 million) and Spain (39, 3 millions). Then positioned the US (23.9 million), Australia (13 million), China (11.4 million) and South Africa (10.5 million). Chile ranked 8th with a production of 10.1 million hectoliters, which meant a drop of 21%.
Exporting Countries
In relation to wine exports, Spain – as in 2015 – again ranked as the first country in the export ranking, achieving the amount of 22.3 million hectoliters. In second place was positioned Italy, with 20.6 million hectoliters; France with 14.1 million and Chile with 9.1 million hectoliters.
Learn more about premuim Chilean wines.
If you want to know more Chilean wine tasting and visit our web chilean-wines.com.
Also you find information on Chilean wine exports in cortahojas.com