Format Bag in Box is having a good time. Its expansion has allowed us to project a good future for this format. In Europe, for example, this type of packaging continues to take hold. In Norway, 48% of sales of wine made in supermarkets are sold in BAG in BOX, in Austria they reach 54% and in France it already accounts for 29%. In Spain, on the other hand, it only reaches 3%, which gives an idea of ​​the enormous projection that awaits this product.

On the other hand, in wine producing countries like Chile, it is being used more and more frequently to export wines.

The Bag in Box format has been considered for export purposes as a bulk wine, so no accurate sales figures are available to third countries.

In the last World Bulk Wines Exhibition Amsterdam, the bag in box was definitely won a prominent place, and it was announced the creation of a new NC customs code for containers of 2 to 10 liters, which will help to know the true value of this Product in the total volume of exported wines.