The results of a study conducted in Europe have shown that young people prefer quality over price. This is very good news for producers. On the one hand, wine consumption continues to grow and one of the strategic markets is young people, who are increasingly interested in buying quality products.

According to the study carried out among young people in Spain, the most interesting factors for young people when buying a wine is quality, with 93% and the wine has a Denomination of Origin, with 74%.

These two factors are more important than the price, which according to the study, is given a value of 61% among respondents in the study. Finally, the brand of a wine is only a determining factor for 16% than those consulted.


About the Denomination of Origin (DO)

For 96% of the young, it is very important that the wines have Denomination of Origin, since it is synonymous with quality. 47% consider it “fundamental” and 49% find it “something to keep in mind”. Only 4% confess not to give importance to consuming wine without own characteristics and differentials of the geographical environment from which they come and in which they are produced.


The red of preference

As for the type of wine, 80% prefer red wine. The target is followed by 44%. The sparkling ones, with 16%, the pink ones 15% and others, like the fines, of liquor or sweets (12%).