Learn a little more about Chilean wines and quality wines cortahojas.com.-/ In recent years we have learned enough wine. Every month new studies, research and there are always new interest, mainly related to the health benefits appear. That’s why as producers responsible, in ch.com, we want to know more about this “precious liquid”.
The important thing is to note that the most important thing is to always have a moderate consumption of wine. It is proven that wine contributes to reduce various diseases, such as heart, helps us to relax (physical benefits) and also to maintain a positive attitude, and also contributes to brain activity, ie psychological benefits.
Another important thing is that all wines have their advantages, either red or white. The key is to drink a daily glass and no more.
What we know is that wine helps fight heart disease, prevent strokes) and also atherosclerosis, also known as hardening of the arteries. It also produces in the body a coagulating action, which prevents the formation of blood clots, improve blood circulation in the brain and reduces inflammation. In addition, it lowers blood pressure and insulin level in the blood.
A bacterial level, generates an antibacterial and anti-histamine action; in other words, it decreases the occurrence of allergies.
We also know that it has qualities that help prevent aging. It has vitamins that work to enable people to have a more beautiful skin. It also delivers the body of a person minerals and trace elements such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc and lithium.
Another benefit of moderate drinking is controlling urinary tract infections; lowers the risk of kidney stone formation, reduces the risk of hemorrhoids and varicose veins counters.
Finally, the level of good cholesterol (high density lipoprotein HDL) in the blood. It has an antioxidant because of its prolifenoles.