Premium wines by We know that 2015 was generally a good year for Chilean wine. Exports had an increase of 8.5%, but prices showed a downward trend, reaching 9.2% accumulated. So all …. It was a good year.

On the other hand, the price variability is also something that comes naturally. What happens to the Chilean case is that prices came with a boom in recent years and in 2015 began to register these variabilities, caused by currency effects of the target markets. In other words, this situation did not originate the industry, but it had to go down the change in currency.

As wine producers can not handle the market, a good estratregia to face this scenario is developing a premium wines oriented strategy.

The idea is to guide the business towards higher value wines, ie, the Premium wines. On the one hand, they generate greater resources and, secondly, provide a better picture worldwide respect of Chilean productions.

The important thing to focus on premium wines is that better margins are obtained and that allows the vines continue to make investments and grow. So the idea is to change the portfolio to better quality wines and that makes prices improve automatically.


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