Browse more about Chilean wines on our web While the economic outlook in China has complicated to virtually all economies worldwide, its role in the wine market will continue to increase in 2016.
During 2015 we witnessed as the Asian giant became the main receptor for bottles produced in Chile, surpassing the UK.
According to information provided by Wines of Chile, in 2014, China had a share of 7.9% in total shipments of Chilean wine bottled in 2015 and went on to lead shipments abroad, with 13.6% of total exports. With these figures, the numbers indicate that with the increase recorded consolidarña the Asian giant as a leader in the future.
For these reasons, Chilean growers and exporters will emphasize dissemination of Chilean wine in China and other attractive markets like the US and Brazil.
For analysts, the Chilean wine has great space to conquer Asian followers, as the market in that country is increasing and already has observed the growing incorporation of new wine consumers. The markets in the UK, US and Brazil will remain important for the fate of Chilean wines. An important fact is that 45% of the wines imported by Brazil are Chileans, so this is a very attractive market.
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