Browse more about wine in our web In recent years, the use of the Bag in Box wine in the environment has been rising, and exports in this system have gained followers in all importing countries.

The packaging of wine in bag in box format is cheaper, easier to store and more convenient to use.

This way of using wine packaged in a bag in a box is used by most vineyards producing, because it serves to preserve the wine without losing quality after first use. Within the packaging bag it shrinks as it empties and because it uses a metering valve, prevents the air to make contact with the air. In addition, the bag, which is metallic, protects the wine from direct light and the outside temperature.

In addition, the Bag-in-Box packaging is a system that has revolutionized the major world markets for their active participation in sustainable development.

Another characteristic is that the container reduces the weight and volume of transport, reducing carbon footprint and trash content because they are recyclable and allows infinite designs abroad.

The bag in box is in Chile for over 20 years. Today it is present in most markets and in different fields. It is a very good tool for small and medium-sized wineries to export more easily.


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