Visit our website and you can find different kinds of information related to wine and Chilean wine. /- During September 2015, bottled wine shipments registered a growth of 6.4% in value, 18.7% by volume, with a price decline of 10.3%. The Asian market showed a growth of 35% in value.
In relation to bottled wine, also it showed an increase of 43% in value and 56% by volume, with an 8% lower price.
Another good numbers was experienced bulk wine, which grew 5% overall, up 35% in volume, but the price fell US $ 0.84 to US $ 0.65 per liter.
Shipments between January and September
After reviewing the behavior of foreign shipments increased 8.7% in volume, which failed to offset the price decline of -8.4% was observed. This situation forced the total revenue decrease 0.52%.
In relation to bottled wine exports China continues to lead to an increase in value of 46.7%, and 52% by volume. Another Asian country to note is Japan, which managed to grow in value to 21.7% and 22.5% in volume. The United States also recorded a slight rise though, reaching 2.7% in value
Concerning bottled wine, he saw an increase in the period of 13.3% volume, but had a decrease of 0.5% in value. Bulk wine saw an increase in volume by 13%, with a lower price of 13.4%.