Read more about chilean wines in There are already several decades in which we have been talking about climate change and has been changing as the temparturas, the rainy, cold and increasing the presence of a more complex drought, especially in recent years.

In Chile, drought is complicated for several years to agriculture, both in the central region and in the north and in recent years, also south of the country, by decreasing rainfall.

The wine industry is no exception to this reality and has also been affected. The lack of rain, principlmente the last 5 years, has caused problems for producers, increasing aridity of the land.

The gravity of this situation is that many of the producers and agricultural companies have followed with their own production strategies and have not considered the changes that have taken the climate, maintaining high consumption of water for their crops.

Fortunately in Chile, wine production is increasingly aware of sustainable vineyard management and its supply chain, incorporating practices friendly to the environment, with plans bounded in water consumption, reducing carbon footprint in implementing pesticides, and incorprando sustentanble tencnologías in energy consumption, such as clean renewable energy.

Sustainability is very important in wine production. In CH we know and are committed to working in this line.

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We are producing high quality wines and have all options to deliver the best packing according to the needs of each of our clients. We are Bag in box, Bulk wines, chilean bulk wines, privatee label wines, oem wines.