Learn more about wines and chilean wines in cortahojas.com .-/ Technological advances in the world of wine continues to amaze. Just make themselves known new information issued by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) has approved new resolutions that wine producers authorized three new oenological practices.

This measure has been implemented in order to take into account technological advances and deliver to the European Community producers the same possibilities for producers in other countries and on other continents.


The new practices

In short, you’re new practices aimed at allowing winemaking using silver chloride, activated carbon membranes and application of copolymers.

The treatment of wines with membrane technology associated with activated carbon, is a technology that is used to remove or recover dissolved organic and some inorganic fluid in a single phase. In some cases it requires a pre-treatment for the removal of suspended solids, oil, grease and unstable chemicals in the waste.


Other measures include the use of polyvinylpyrrolidone-polyvinylimidazole copolymers and the use of silver chloride. These last two are technological auxiliaries.