Learn more about chilean wines in CortaHojas.com.-/ Wine is art, is patience, is a gift and is a great companion for different occasions. However, as we have stated on other occasions, it is an alcoholic beverage that has many properties and consumed responsibly, offers significant benefits for human health.
Wine exhibits very important properties as vitamin A, B and C, plus thirteen minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, manganese, zinc, iodine, cobalt, sodium, potassium, chlorine and sulfur. What is relevant is that the benefits are actually trasformen, wine consumption should be moderate.
In the case of iron, wine contains a high amount of this element and which is very important for people’s health because it facilitates the formation of blood. As such, wine is a source of heat energy for man, because a small dose of alcohol increases your stamina by 15%. However, this is not proportional, therefore serves not exceeded, since increasing the dose causes inhibition, thus, the message remains the same: … moderation.
But there is also the grape, with its own characteristics. For example, sugars are contributing their nutrients as dextrose, polyphenols, proteins and the same alcohol. Regarding calories, it will depend on the wealth and the amount of alcoholque have wine, which can reach 600 thousand calories per liter.
Another aspect is related to the alcohol present in the wine. The wine contains 11% alcohol naturally and has proven to be a very effective disinfectant that works with protection inside the body and helps fight diseases.
In short, wine is good for you whenever you drink with awareness and caution.
Learn more about the wines and their characteristics in www.cortahojas.com
Chilean wines are appreciated worldwide for their quality and harmony. They are an excellent culinary accompaniment.
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